John Andrén issued careful directions regarding his departure from this life. He prescribed the waltz from Harlequin's Millions as funeral music, but as it might be considered too light-hearted it was to be played at half measure. A probably surprised organ-player performed this peculiar wish. The memory of John Andrén was then becomingly celebrated with a most delicious dinner.
Andrén's will makes delightful reading. In precise words he set out directions for a foundation at Ystad Town Library which was to build a special collection of books containing everything published by and about Oscar Wilde, Aubrey Beardsley, T. E. Lawrence and Vaslav Nijinsky. Furthermore the books were to be stored in locked bookcases, manufactured by a local craftsman. The bookcases have glass doors and are all marked "Belongs to the John Andrén Foundation" on the top frieze.
The will prescribes two committees, one for acquisition and one for administration. The acquisition committee consists of the Professor of English literature at Lund University, the Head of the English Department at the Upper Secondary School in Ystad, and the Ystad Town Librarian. The administration committee consists of the Mayor of the Town of Ystad, the Manager of the local bank Sparbanken, and the Town Librarian of Ystad. Both committees meet jointly once a year. Once a year, preferably in August when the moon is full, the acquisition committee shall enjoy a splendid dinner with delightful dishes at the restaurant at Ystad Saltsjöbad or Hotell Continental, at which the chairman (the Professor!) shall deliver a speech in English on the ancient beauty of the town of Ystad, the enchanting richness of English literature and Oscar Wilde's wit.
Publicerad 2021-03-30, Uppdaterad 2024-09-06