Electrohype, English

27 nov 2010 – 30 jan 2011

Electrohype 2010 – The sixth biennial for electronic art 

The Electrohype biennial is one of the largest events for computer based and electronic art in the Scandinavian countries. This year it will take place at Ystad Art Museum, Ystad, Sweden November 27th 2010 to January 30th 2011.


The following artists participate in the exhibition:

boredomresearch, Great Britain  

Serina Erfjord, Norway 

Sion Jeong, Korea  

Yunchul Kim, Korea  

Nikki Koole, the Netherlands

Diane Landry, Canada  

Caleb Larsen, USA  

Enrique Radigales, Spain 

David Rokeby, Canada 

Norman T White, Canada 


The theme for this year’s biennial is “objects”, a suitable theme for an exhibition presented in an art museum, where the object, in the sense of an artwork often is focused upon both historically and in contemporary art.


Electrohype 2010 will focus on electronic artwork with a more defined physical frame than earlier years, but within this defined frame, there will be width, ranging from the mechanical to the organic, from sound to light and from dry observation to humour.


Opening of the biennial Saturday November 27th at 12-4 pm 

The exhibition will be introduced at 2 pm by Ýrr Jónasdóttir, director at Ystad Art Museum, and presented by the curators Anna Kindvall and Lars Gustav Midbøe from Electrohype.

Publicerad 2014-01-15, Uppdaterad 2024-01-04